Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Cancer Prevention Forum

I want to thank everyone who came out to the second annual Cancer Prevention Forum last Saturday. I’m sure you all enjoyed the many speakers and all the great information they shared about living healthfully. The messages that became clearly evident throughout the day were:

1. Nourish your body with wholesome foods and quality supplementation. Choose organics whenever possible.
2. Eliminate chemicals and toxins from your diet and your environment. Look at the labels and ingredients of your foods, household cleaning products, and skin care products.
3. Reduce your stress. Release negative emotions and free yourself from the past. Live a happy and joyful life.

Thank you, Anne, for organizing this important event! I look forward to participating again next year!


Friday, March 30, 2012

Stress Managment

I understand if you are feeling frustrated and fearful. Life has a way of getting too busy!
Does it seem like you are on that roller coaster of life and can’t find your way off?

You have had enough, but escape is not possible. You have responsibilities. People are depending on you! We live very busy and demanding lifestyles. It is important to take time to relax and re-charge.

Down time is important for your emotional and physical well-being. It is critical to take care of yourself so that you can live and do all the things that are important to you. You probably will agree that the quality of life is on the top of your important things list.

 If you have ever travelled by plane you will recall the stewardess instructions: In case of an emergency the oxygen masks will automatically drop from above you, PUT ON YOUR MASK FIRST, then you will be able to effectively help your children and other people. This is such a great message that we all should keep in the forefront of our thoughts. If you don’t take care of YOU, who will??

If you don’t take care of YOU, how will you be able to be there fully for your loved ones?

If you don’t take care of YOU, will you be experiencing the life you desire and deserve?

 If you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious and stressed, I can help you. Over time emotional stress compounds and creates imbalances in our bodies. These imbalances will lead to physical discomfort, illness and possible disease when ignored.

 As a life coach, I will use several modalities to help you release negative emotions and limiting beliefs, allowing you to truly enjoy your life. I will teach you stress management techniques that really work. I believe we all deserve to live amazing lives! It is my deepest desire to guide you to emotional freedom and empower you to live the life you desire and deserve!


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

12 Tips for a Stress-Free Christmas

I had a great time getting to know the ladies who attended my 12 Tips for a Stress-Free Holiday event last month and of course sharing my tips. I think everyone walked away with a new way of thinking about themselves and how they can find  their own "Gateway to Freedom", which was my intention. Please watch my video and then explore below what the 12 tips can offer you. Enjoy!

1. Take Care of YOU!
As I mentioned in the video, don't neglect yourself. You are an important part of the whole experience! When you are under stress it can weaken your immune system and at the worst time. You don't have time to be sick! Drink lots of water, get a good nights sleep, manage your stress with exercise and supplement to keep your body and mind healthy.

2. Choose Your Desired Outcome
Think about what your desired out come is. what do you want the most our of the holidays? Check yourself. Are your expectations reasonable? Is this something you are able to accomplish? By deciding your outcome first you can better make a plan of how to get there. And don't forget to discuss your desires with your family.

3. Keep it Simple
Use the mantra: Simplify MY life! When you keep your gifts, meals and party plans simple it gives you more time and energy to enjoy life and more importantly the people around you.

4. The Beauty of Online Shopping
Take advantage of online shopping. Now, those big Cyber Monday sales are over, but that doesn't mean that there aren't deals to be had! Have your packages wrapped and sent directly to family far away. Many sites offer free shipping too. All this allows you to avoid the crowds, save gas, and shop at your convenience.

5. Plan Everything Ahead
It is never too early to start thinking and planning what you intend to do this holiday season. Having a dinner party? Write down your menu and make a list of what you need to purchase. Prepare the food ahead. Going shopping? Before you leave the house, plan your route so you don't drive all over town. Know where you are going and what you want to accomplish.

6. Give Gifts that Keep Giving
Wondering what to get that someone who has everything? Why not make a difference by donating to their favorite charity or cause? How about supporting a family in need in your community with a Christmas meal? Or even the gift of experience. You can have a family ski day, or attend a play. The gift of a family memory is one you will share for years to come.

7. Start and End Your Day with Gratitude
What a wonderful life! Take a few minutes before you jump out of bed to give thanks and to acknowledge that this is a great day. Use 3-10 minutes to write in your gratitude journal. This is proven to reduce stress!

8. Ask for Help When Entertaining
When in need, ask for help. And when it is offered, accept help. Try a potluck dinner party or as a friend to come early to assist you. Or hire a teenager to help clean up before or after the party.

9. Shop at Quiet Times
Although I have taken to online shopping, there are just somethings I still like to touch and feel before I buy. When I need to go to the store, I try to shop at quiet times. First thing in the morning is always pleasant and I have found the grocery store to be much calmer after the dinner hour.

10. Cook Easy
You can breeze through the holidays with ease when you carefully plan your day-to-day meals. Dust off your crock pot and try out some super easy (and healthy!) recipes. Need inspiration? Go to for some great ideas and video tutorials. When you come from the store, cut up and wash your vegetables right away for easy throw together meals and healthy snacks. Do you love holiday baking? Double your recipes by making "bite-sized" treats!

11. Get in the Mood
Turn on the tunes. Decorate your tree early. Light a scented candle. SMILE! When you set the tone it's hard not to smile, reminisce and enjoy this wonderful season.

12. Make an Appointment With Yourself.
Last, but not least, make a daily or at least weekly appointment with yourself. Take a long hot bubble bath. Enjoy a glass of wine. Call your best friend to chat. Take a walk. Whatever it is that makes you most happy...DO IT! Don't forget your appointment of blow it off. You wouldn't miss a doctors appointment if you were sick, so don't miss this one. It just may be the best gift you will give yourself!


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Guest Blogger: Jennifer Richman

Thank you for the opportunity to guest blog! I enjoy all opportunities to use my creative talents. To those followers who I haven't had the pleasure of meeting, I am Jennifer Richman, Bonnie Goldstone's eldest daughter. I live in the "deep south" and have a blog about travelling with my husband and two adorable daughters who are now 5 and 7 years old.

When my mom became a Hypnotherapist she wanted to show me how cool it was by doing some hypnosis for relaxation and good sleep. This was back when my 2 daughters were toddlers and so it was perfect timing. I needed some real relaxation and more than 4 hours sleep! That said, I had never been hypnotized before and I was nervous. Would I tell her all my secrets? Would I remember what she said? What will it feel like? What if it doesn't work? My mind raced on and on.

She promised me that she would not and could not make me cluck like a chicken or tell her things that I didn't want to tell her. Finally, after days of making excuses, I decided to try it out. At first, it was hard to relax. I kept giggling and trying too had to keep a straight face. Eventually, I "walked down the stairway" into mental bliss. Afterwards, it was as if I had just awoken from a great dream. I remembered almost everything, but like a dream, not every detail. She was right, I felt as though I was in control the whole time. I could have just "woken up" at any moment, but I was enjoying the sensation so much that I didn't desire to test it. The best part was that I felt more rested than I had in weeks! Maybe even months!

I am hooked on hypnosis! Unfortunately, I live 3000 miles away in Texas and don't have the opportunity to have hypnosis regularly. Although, now with the help of Skype we will be trying some long distance therapy. Even my girls benefit from their grandmothers skill with helpful sleep recordings that they listen to at bedtime.

Nowadays, when we are together, we make hypnosis part of the visit. While I was visiting this summer, I was lucky enough to participate in one of her Virtual Gastric Banding trials . I lost 5 pounds right away! I still need to complete the rest of the program and finish my transformation. It's truly amazing what you can do with the power of your mind! Mind over body!! 

Thursday, August 18, 2011


You know, I have been using a gratitude journal lately.  I write in my beautiful gratitude journal every day.  It is amazing how we, or maybe it is just me, take so many things for granted.  When I really slow down to pay attention and ponder on different things in my life it dawns on me that I am living in a bubble.  A comfortable Bonnie Bubble.   Today as I prepared and enjoyed my tasty breakfast, I spent some time really being present and so very grateful for each bite, every single flavourful morsel.  It is kind of funny maybe.  I would like to share with you my journal entry…

I love my breakfast today of delicious organic oatmeal .  Thanks to all the farmers and workers, the whole team of individuals who have made this product available to me.    In preparing this meal I added a few yummy walnuts and hemp hearts.  Thanks to these farmers and workers!  A little brown sugar, thank you!  I topped it all off with plump flavorful blueberries from a local farm.  Thanks to those farmers who grew these tasty wonderful berries!  AND thanks you Mom and Dad for picking AND delivering these berries to me!  WOW!!   Isn’t it truly a beautiful day?!!!  Life is good!!

There are studies that prove that using a gratitude journal everyday will decrease cortisol levels and improve good feeling hormones.  It is a great way to improve our moods and it is DRUG FREE!  Bonus!! 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Balance the Mind & Body to Heal …

The Complete Weight Loss Program


Stingray Hypnosis, Bonnie Goldstone, CHt

I absolutely love this program and how it gives ‘power’ back to my clients to be in control of their own minds and bodies. Everyday I am reminded of how powerful our minds really are and how we can use the mind as our very own amazing tool. The Virtual Gastric Banding program truly ‘flicks’ the switch. Clients report feeling happy and more content within in themselves, as they notice food no long is a top priority. 


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Welcome to my Blog!

I believe the time has come, the time is now…for me it is all about synchronicity. In future blogs I will be sharing some of my stories and why I believe in the following 3 phenomenon’s.

First, the Law of Attraction and how it has really proven to me that it is a powerful force. How the Law of Attraction or what I have taught my kids from a very early age is, “What you think about, you bring about!”

Secondly, I believe in the undeniable connection between body and mind and how our perception of the events that unfolded before us, as children, carry with us into adulthood. These childhood perceptions may be the root cause of fear, anger and anxiety, just to name a few emotional obstacles. These negative emotions effect our adult relationships with others AND ourselves. Have you heard the saying, “This issue is in the tissue”, by Fred R Hirsch? It is now accepted that illnesses have an emotional seed and emotional imbalance can cause dis-ease within our bodies. This is why I love hypnosis. I am a clinical hypnotherapist helping my clients release negative emotions or limiting beliefs, so they are able to overcome these obstacles allowing them to become who they dream to be. I can’t tell you how exciting and rewarding it is to assist and guide my clients to the gateway of freedom!

The third phenomenon is our connection to a higher power, the creator, the Spirit or Source. As a child, I dreamt of being a nun (even though I was not Catholic) or maybe becoming a nurse. I imagined how cool it would be to be able to heal others simply by holding or touching them, as Jesus did, I suppose. A few years ago my friend Cheryl introduced me to Reiki. I have to admit I had never even heard of Reiki before that, yet instantly I was intrigued. My thirst for this Universal Energy Force was not satisfied until I became a Reiki Master. Reiki is very powerful, yet gentle. Every day, I am amazed at the force of Reiki and how it calms, balances and heals our energy flow, resulting in rapid healing both emotionally and physically.

As I share my experiences with you over the weeks and months to come, I aspire to inspire YOU to become the person you desire to be…and maybe much, much more!